Excellent Retail (Multi-Branch)

Specially designed for a chain stores of retail opticians. Totally internet based all transactions are done on-line. No chance of manipulation by un-authorised persons. Centrally controlled from anywhere. Also lab ordering and delivery controlled. Any customer can see the status of his order on-line. Automatic sending of sms and email when spects are ready. Plus all the accounting and inventory reports.

Excellent Retail (Multi-Branch) Software
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  • Record Customer Personal Information, Prescription, Frame and Lens Dispensed
  • Manage Inventory (from all branches) with specially designed barcode tags for frames.
  • Place lens orders to labs
  • Receive lenses from labs
  • Fit and check for delivery to customer
  • SMS when ready / delayed / problem / arrival of new products / birthday / anniversary / outstanding
  • Receive Advance with orders, balance against delivery
  • Print advance receipt / prescription / cash memo
  • Manage multiple visits with full details
  • Manage salesman / reference commission
  • Manage full accounts

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